domingo, 4 de julho de 2010

Baylan....the lost developer!

So...what is happening...this is what is happening:

I really did not want to publish named below, as it is, as I thought, but rather a personal matter between me and the "Oyster Bay Media Inc", developers Airsimmer Airbus A32x Family (
However, I believe the consumers of this product would be interesting to know where their money goes. You buy a part and my work, and the money I do not receive.

I worked in the firm to post "Flight Simulation Software Developer" (C / C + + programmer devices and systems) in the summer of 2008 to the end of 2009. Company Management - Zoya Spivakovsky and Vasily Kondratyev, the firm is registered in California, USA.
Almost from the beginning of 2009 began chronic non-payment of wages, which have become the norm. Moreover, working conditions, too, were reduced to ruthless exploitation of employees - half cut off, canceled vacations, work is often made considerably more than 8 hours a day. And all this without any compensation, but promised "enormous opportunities" in the future.
But alas, even these dubious actions have not led to any noticeable improvement.
As a result, in late 2009 crisis brewing within the company, as a result of December 29 left a part of developers, including me, and stayed on only one programmer.
We left unfinished project, and as far as I know, my code and further sale of the product. Working on our Airbus, I (and my colleagues) are very proud of him, gave his whole soul. But sadly I realize that we are not allowed to finish it properly.

I still have to pay for several months. On repeated demands to pay the promised then somehow pay as soon as immediately. Meanwhile, the product is still sold. I'm tired already expect from the weather and the sea said to company management in advance of his intention to wait until June 25, 2010, and the possible adoption of any action after the expiration. The date has already come, but unfortunately, from the company was no response.
Since that first decided to make public the situation, then we will see. It could start with the litigation, but to me it would be somewhat more complicated, if only because of the complexity to get in now before the United States.
Also look forward to any advice or suggestion from colleagues and members of the Sim community.


Source: Click here

When a developer makes a public post about not beeing paid by Airsimmer and about beeing fooled by them into thinking that there would be a lot of income with the product, then something is very very bad!

This clearly seems to me like the same Zoya's tactics and this time used internally.
Promise something u dont have and raise expectations using lies in order to get what u want!!!

He also referred that when he started back in 2008 end working with Airsimmer that the "About Us" list wasnt updated at all. It seems to me like another lie to show some credibility you dont have! I wonder if those persons ever existed... and if they did... do they know their name is beeing used to promote a product that is failing so much???

I continue to say and time will support me that these guys are simple gangsters in a very good disguise. In the first time everyone gets caught, in the second only a few... and in the third only stupids get caught.

I really advise everyone who is still in the third category thinking on buying their stuff...always look at what is said in public forums (not Airsimmer's, as they wipe out problems and bad comments) about the quality of the thing.

Before i finish i would just like to say that reading Vasilius answers to Baylan in the AVSIM.SU page i realized that he is a very smart guy but not that clever. He makes Baylan loose is rights just because he made a public post in a public forum...and forgets completely that the breach in contract was made firstly by Airsimmer who didnt pay the money they own Baylan for his hard work in getting the Airbus ready. This reveals a lot of Vasilius ways...

sábado, 26 de junho de 2010

Mmm... no SP2 yet...and a bonus: no June Sitrep!


I can only laught not to cry!

3 MONTHS have passed since Zoya wrote and i quote: "as this is a rather busy week for us with a great new patch for Basic to be released shortly"!!!!

WTF!!! She was talking about the non-existent SP2, and U see.. im completly right about their way of doing business!

These guys are nothing but crooks and liers!
They tend to say things just to make everyone that hasnt still bought the BUGGY Plane do so! They are just fooling everybody.

The SITREP's...another trick to earn some time.
I can almost bet that they will not deliver a SP2 at all and will do a new Sitrep saying that instead of SP and then remake, they will have to do a remake as its not possible to fix the bugs without doing it.

I want my money back!
Those who paid with Paypal can ask for a refund directly to Paypal.
Dont let them fool u around.

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Nik's back? And with a SITREP? Lol


First post in a long time.

Ill keep up with my internet investigation about the Airsimmer staff...but right now i must comment on this cause it's just hilarious!

Hello everyone,

I feel a good and honest situation report is well over-due, so let me fill everybody in as to what's happening at AirSimmer these days :)

First of all, we are all well, and work on the A320 project hasn't stopped in any way.

The release of the A320 Basic Edition was our first FS release as a team, so naturally it was the beginning of a steep learning curve for us. Thanks to the enormous efforts of our Customers, our Extended Team, as well as our internal Testing Team, we were able to understand exactly what we can do to improve our product further. With this, it became apparent that some fundamentals will need to be re-organized and re-designed.

Here are some of the technical decisions that we made that will improve the overall realism of the product:
1. The ultimate goal of our simulation software is to be able to provide professional-grade realism
2. More object-oriented approach in simulation. By this I mean coding hydraulic actuators, motors, valves, pumps, and so on as separate devices which will age, lose reliability with time, and have the ability to fail (although some functions will only be available in the Advanced Edition)
3. No-shortcuts approach. ELAC is a good example. For performance purposes, we did simplify the code for the ELAC computers. Now, we want to do it the real way - which will mean that both the COMMAND and MONITORING units of each ELAC will be running in parallel, cross-talking to each other, each of them having the ability to fail, glitch, etc to simulate malfunctions. This will mean that the ELAC software code will be run 4 times each cycle (1 time for command unit, 1 time for monitoring unit, for 2 ELAC computers). Sync option will be available to save performance and force MONITORING units to read the same as the COMMAND unit, and ELAC2 the same as ELAC1.

These changes will affect the most important systems first. Our plan is to totally finalize the Flight Control System first. After that, we will enhance the engine control system (engine, EIU, FADEC), and FMGS. Second-stage systems are fuel, wheel and braking, and air conditioning.

As scary as it might sound, I am very optimistic towards our makeover project. I am confident that we can spend our time very efficiently adding these new features. It was the core technology principles that took us the most time to develop (such as control loops, mathematical models, geometry calculations etc) and those will remain the same for the most part.

In the mean-time, we are workng hard on reducing CTDs and other technical problems that don't relate to aircraft systems.

Last but not least, I'd like to express our sincere appreciation of the support from the FS community that we have received over the last year - we would simply not exist without it!

I will bring back the culture of monthly updates - so you can expect the SITREPS in the beginning of each month.


So let me see if I get this figured out:

They can't finish the rubish they've sold so know and after stating that a SP2 update would be released in the last month, they sh*t on our faces AGAIN and say that they have to remake it??


If i see this clear... they sold a product that they knew it had dead-ends what makes this a complete and unique SCAM! They sold a product that has lots of bugs that simply CANT BE FIXED!!! And really they know what they've made!

My question is: Does anyone with some IQ greater than a monkey still believe in a word these guys say??? After so many lies... proven to be lies by time itself... how can these bandits still write anything RAISING EXPECTATIONS AGAIN!!!

I don't thrust them anymore and i think that they will fail terribly because an Aerosoft Airbus is on the way and also PMDG NGX will kill their only chances to finish their project.

These guys made a very large mistake when they tried to make all by themselves, NAVDATA, cockpit copilot sounds and lots of other things that usually other developers dont do...and also raising expectations all the time.

I still wait but i will buy the Aerosoft Airbust and forget about this little nightmare.

At least from Aerosoft i know they arent over their heads and are actually keeping it simple!
Something that the programmers at Airsimmer dont know how to do.Making something too much complicated it's always possible... it's just a matter of time...and nothing else. Even me or you could make the same addon... maybe in 5 years... maybe in 10 years... and in the end it's all about the timeframe.

Airsimmer is gonna fall buy it's own lack of capacity to foresee the future.

Also, about Nik! Not a word in months and suddenly he shows up?...very fishy to me!

I suspect that this is not Nik but actually someone from Airsimmer stuff (maybe Zoya) talking... or maybe in the other hand... it's Nik and they've paid him a lot to come back. Either ways it all seems very strange to me.

sábado, 13 de março de 2010

Nik and Ryan - The Spokesmen

Some time has passed since my last post. Too much work these days.

Also and unfortunately, unless i would hire a private detective to get all the information for me its kinna difficult to find out the holes where these guys are in.

But here is what i found! :) Internet is really nice fingerprint.


Are u fucking kidding? I was banned and kicked by a 19 year old dude? Click Ahaha!

Im 40 years old, enough to be ur father Ryan! You should threat with a lot more respect ppl that have been simming even before u beeing born!

This guy is (or was) recently in the Conifer High School at San Diego.
He's just a kid that really couldnt know more about customer relationship that a sheep in the mountain. Airsimmer knows who to hire...i guess in this matter a CV wouldnt matter has they were probably after young virgin dudes in the reality of business that would work for a couple of bucks.

Hi5 -> CLICK
Facebook -> CLICK



Nik is kinna like a ghost right now at the Airsimmer Forum.

The only two places we can see him today over there is in the "About Us" list and also in the bottom bar where sometimes he shows up as active but for an unknown reason he fails to write... maybe he just lost his two hands recently... or maybe and lookin at his FaceBook he is "Looking for a proper job !".

From Twitter we can also see that he is at the York University '10 in
Business Admin. & Management so i see why Nik had a much more mature approach
to the all customer relationship than Ryan has. This guy actually knows something about it and he also is a lot closer to Zoya as he is currently living in L.A.

I really dont know what happened with Nik but he might just have realized from the inside that the project wasnt going anyhere and he decided to leave or just to be distant from the all thing.

Facebook -> CLICK

quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2010

Zoya Spivakovsky - The CEO

Ok... in my next messages and while we wait (maybe indefinately) for a SP2 i will try to find out who the hell are these folks using publicly available info!

Today i start with the leader and CEO: Zoya Spivarkovsky

For starters she is a casting director in Hollywood.
She chooses who gets the part and who doesnt in some not so well know productions.

Here she is: IMDB
More: American Movie in Russian

She is also a translator (?!?) -> CLICK

And she moves a lootttt from place to place:
LOL! 6 adresses in CA?

From the Airsimmer site:

Zoya Spivakovsky was born in Moscow, USSR.
She earned her undergraduate degree in English

I told you she didnt know anything about doing FS Addons. She is in this
because these folks need someone to put the money and a company to make it
more beliveable - OysterBay International, Inc?

at Columbia University and went on to pursue graduate
studies at the Moscow Graduate Director’s Program at
Moscow State Film School, where she studied under the
renowned Russian filmmakers Vladimir Motil and Oscar-winner
Vladimir Menshov. She has worked in both film and television
as a producer, production coordinator, script supervisor,
and post-production supervisor.

mmmm... in production..u mean CASTING... right?...
I dont know how much of this stuff is real, but as i didnt find
almost anything where Zoya was actually a supervisor, i must say
that this little text is highly overrated about Mrs.Zoya curriculum
as everything in Airsimmer...OF COURSE!

In 2003, Ms. Spivakovsky launched Oyster Bay Media International,
a Los-Angeles-based company dedicated to developing
and producing high-quality entertainment products.

So i guess this all endeavor has 7 years!!!!
They probably started on C++!!...lolol...for it to be taking so long!

If you want to find out more about Zoya's company and maybe pay them a visit to see what are the (new) developments:
About OysterBay International

Also i find this part very amusing about the company profile:

Oyster Bay Media International, Inc is a private company categorized under Computer Services and located in West Hollywood, CA. Our records show it was established in 2003 and incorporated in California. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of $110,000 and employs a staff of approximately 1.

Are u fuckin serious????

annual revenue of $110.000 ????? 1 employee = Zoya ?...

This must be a joke! :D

Ms. Spivakovsky is in charge of all of the financial,
administrative and legal aspects of the AirSimmer Project.

For sure... and also in charge of the lousy communication and raising expectations/promoting an unfinished thing!

terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010

Find Wal...err.. Service Pack2!

So where is it?

As usual one more unthruth (lol!) to add to the basket!

It will probably be released in a near future (right before the Aerosoft plane release) but mark my words:

It will not be even close to what you are expecting!
Since they received their money their velocity of development has decreased drasticly.
My guess is that their team isnt there anymore and all the work is probably beeing made by ONE guy part-time...dont forget... the more ppl u have the more money u have to divide...

It will probably make some things better but other things worse and i bet that the main control problems with the autopilot will not be fixed and also the strange behaviors when the route is inserted. These are all very complex problems that sometimes need a brand-new structure to be solved without ruining other things and that can only be done with a full team working on the project. Just take a look at PMDG!!! They are an example of what is needed to do a quality addon.

About the Where's Wally thingy... just read this:

Dear Mr. Rizzo,

We will be delighted to answer all your question. If you could kindly wait until this weekend, however, as this is a rather busy week for us with a great new patch for Basic to be released shortly.

I will get back to you by next Monday with our response.

Many thanks for your interest in our project!

Best wishes,
Zoya Spivakovsky

This was the reason why Patrick Rizzo from FlugSimulation made public that an update would be released for the Airsimmer plane in the last week.

I also find quite amusing that Zoya only shows up when she feels the smell of the money! mmm!... why? The german market of flight simulation is one of the biggest in Europe, maybe even in the World... they have a large consuming power and also have a large flightsim community = MONEY! :D

Of course Zoya couldnt leave this question unanswered and one more time... there she is... raising the f*ckin expectations again!..."this is a rather busy week for us with a great new patch for Basic to be released shortly." ?????!!!!!????

Dang this woman knows how to SELL! Maybe she worked before in some car store... or works professionaly on selling things that arent worth half of what she says they are. In Hollywood this is common! :D

Once more same tactics:

- No compromise as Zoya doesnt actually say that a new patch will be released and when it will happen;
- Same lame excuses to show up and actually answer some real questions;
- And once more raising the expectations in order to fool some more simmers into buying their buggy and unfinished product.

When they release the SP2 (if they ever will) just look for the publicity they will make about it, and how fantastic and wonderful their product will be and compare it with what the actual customers say! You will see the light like i did!

What will they say now to Rizzo?

Oh.. err... we found some issues and we can't release it yet!
Suuuuure !!!... maybe there isnt anything signficative to release and Airsimmer is buying time with all this talk to keep customers from changing to FSX and run away to Aerosoft.

Only someone inside that organization or that was inside, can truly and in a very objective way say what is going on, but cleary nothing good can come from it.

The secrets... the lies.... all the post wiping and a lot of other negative things are really destroying what remains of Airsimmer.

When Aerosoft or PMDG state that the market for this good addons for FS9 is decreasing by the minutre they are quite right. If the 737 NGX is out before the Advanced Version of Airsimmer they can say goodbye to any profit they were trying to make.

Time will tell if what i say here is right or wrong but one thing u can be sure... they are digging their own grave.

segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010


Well... i guess it was already time for Ryan to kick another customer in the balls.

So why did i got banned? Obviously because i started this blog and made a page with a big title called "Airsimmer Sucks!"... ahahah!!!... i really dont care a little about it. I will register another account as easily as i was banned.

Voices like mine and others are to be shut down at the very first signal of unsatisfaction.
Im not even gonna talk about the several messages that end up in support forum hidden from the public view or the several complaints that are erased in a daily basis by the monkeys...

Before beeing banned, i was MUTED for ONE week by asking three simple questions:

1. Why isnt there a schedule for the update like it happened for the SP1?

2. What are the difficulties that the developers are encountering for this to be taking so long?

3. What are the fixes already made since the last update?

Three simple questions i made that noone in that company could answer and didnt even bother to do it. I also said that if these 3 questions weren't answered the credibility of the all project would be at stake and i would make a formal complaint at all the US Consumer Defence organizations pointing OysterBay International and Zoya as responsible by this situation.

For me this was the last drop in a cup full of water... how is it possible that a professional company who SELLS an unfinished product isnt even able to show in a very transparent and clear way what it is doing to fix the buggy product they sell?

Aproximately 20 days after their first release this message was posted in the Support Forum:


This had a very clear objective, to keep customers from refunding!
So what has been fixed? Almost none of the most critical bugs and yet these guys still bare to say that now they wont give dates because of high expectations that they kept raising with the very objective of selling a product.

Just wait for this next SP2 (if there will be one!! Lol..) and see them raising expectations again!

This is why i say:

Dont buy their product till all the bugs are sorted out!

Pay special attention to the CUSTOMER COMMENTS (at least the ones that they dont wipe out) because these folks at Airsimmer are very good LIERS.

I personally wont support them anymore because i think that they are greedy and act like a bunch gangsters. For me they should just be banned from the FSAddon scene. We dont need this kind of ppl making products to our community, no matter, if it comes out to be 100% real and perfect.

They will always come up with some way to make more money, be it by not providing an upgrade to the Advanced Version or from other holes in their offer.

The main interest of the people that are ahead of this organization is to make money... Zoya doesnt a clue on how to make it... Vasilius seems to be too much busy to actually program something... and the only guy that actually loved the Airbus is missing for quite some time - Nik!

Keep your eyes wide open ppl!

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2010

The beggining and the why!

I decided to create this blog since i feel that the freedom of speech in the Airsimmer Forum has ended and there are a lot of fanboys still over the main fs forums for me to post this there.

For several years i've followed this project.

This guy, called Nik, was the person that dealed with all the customer relationship back in those days.

He was pretty good at it. I believe those years were when Airsimmer had it's team complete and worked in a very good pace.

They had deliberately made all of us believe that a great product was beeing made without even knowing the hard difficulties and deadends they were going to encounter.

Lots of high expectations were created and a thing the always upseted me: the fact that they wanted to make all the stuff proprietary!

While other great addon projects relayed on external things like Navigraph, FS2Crew, Turbine Sound Studios or even Synchro-soft, these folks wanted to do everything themselves and that really explains why the project failed.

Since 2008 these guys say that the project is near it's end. LOL!

We are now in 2010, 2 years have passed and it's not even an alpha version of a normal quality product from other companies.

Back in 2009, and i quote, Nik said "We are very near the end of the line". This sentence had a very good purpose. To sell an uncomplete version to the newly created Extended Team. A great name for a failed experience since now they are second in-line while the Basic Version customers are the top priority (AHAHAHAH! Suckers!). I have several friends that bought the beta team ticket and they regret it every day. This was one of the more heavly failed experiences in the world of fsim addons and for me also an illegal scandal has an unfinished product was sold without any kind of warranties about timeframes. That was the main reason why i didnt buy that shit!

In October, 2009, Airsimmer decided to create a new product "BASIC EDITION" in order to make money ONCE MORE (and without having a finished thing to sell, what a joke!)

They said that they were facing economic difficulties (crap!) and that they were selling a product that was not what they intended to be. I really think they should have posted the bugs list at the time for everybody to see what they were really buying.

Once more these guys werent transparent and also made everyone believe that in buying it they were helping to finish the project since those "economic difficulties" could have put the project at stake.

Once more there was no commitment and everyone was blind enough to buy this version, ME INCLUDED (what a fuckin dumbass i was!).

Back then i was one of the folks that really supported the project and really believed in what they said as all the monthly updates seemed to show a good speed in development.

Then all started to go awfullly wrong...