quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Nik's back? And with a SITREP? Lol


First post in a long time.

Ill keep up with my internet investigation about the Airsimmer staff...but right now i must comment on this cause it's just hilarious!

Hello everyone,

I feel a good and honest situation report is well over-due, so let me fill everybody in as to what's happening at AirSimmer these days :)

First of all, we are all well, and work on the A320 project hasn't stopped in any way.

The release of the A320 Basic Edition was our first FS release as a team, so naturally it was the beginning of a steep learning curve for us. Thanks to the enormous efforts of our Customers, our Extended Team, as well as our internal Testing Team, we were able to understand exactly what we can do to improve our product further. With this, it became apparent that some fundamentals will need to be re-organized and re-designed.

Here are some of the technical decisions that we made that will improve the overall realism of the product:
1. The ultimate goal of our simulation software is to be able to provide professional-grade realism
2. More object-oriented approach in simulation. By this I mean coding hydraulic actuators, motors, valves, pumps, and so on as separate devices which will age, lose reliability with time, and have the ability to fail (although some functions will only be available in the Advanced Edition)
3. No-shortcuts approach. ELAC is a good example. For performance purposes, we did simplify the code for the ELAC computers. Now, we want to do it the real way - which will mean that both the COMMAND and MONITORING units of each ELAC will be running in parallel, cross-talking to each other, each of them having the ability to fail, glitch, etc to simulate malfunctions. This will mean that the ELAC software code will be run 4 times each cycle (1 time for command unit, 1 time for monitoring unit, for 2 ELAC computers). Sync option will be available to save performance and force MONITORING units to read the same as the COMMAND unit, and ELAC2 the same as ELAC1.

These changes will affect the most important systems first. Our plan is to totally finalize the Flight Control System first. After that, we will enhance the engine control system (engine, EIU, FADEC), and FMGS. Second-stage systems are fuel, wheel and braking, and air conditioning.

As scary as it might sound, I am very optimistic towards our makeover project. I am confident that we can spend our time very efficiently adding these new features. It was the core technology principles that took us the most time to develop (such as control loops, mathematical models, geometry calculations etc) and those will remain the same for the most part.

In the mean-time, we are workng hard on reducing CTDs and other technical problems that don't relate to aircraft systems.

Last but not least, I'd like to express our sincere appreciation of the support from the FS community that we have received over the last year - we would simply not exist without it!

I will bring back the culture of monthly updates - so you can expect the SITREPS in the beginning of each month.


So let me see if I get this figured out:

They can't finish the rubish they've sold so know and after stating that a SP2 update would be released in the last month, they sh*t on our faces AGAIN and say that they have to remake it??


If i see this clear... they sold a product that they knew it had dead-ends what makes this a complete and unique SCAM! They sold a product that has lots of bugs that simply CANT BE FIXED!!! And really they know what they've made!

My question is: Does anyone with some IQ greater than a monkey still believe in a word these guys say??? After so many lies... proven to be lies by time itself... how can these bandits still write anything RAISING EXPECTATIONS AGAIN!!!

I don't thrust them anymore and i think that they will fail terribly because an Aerosoft Airbus is on the way and also PMDG NGX will kill their only chances to finish their project.

These guys made a very large mistake when they tried to make all by themselves, NAVDATA, cockpit copilot sounds and lots of other things that usually other developers dont do...and also raising expectations all the time.

I still wait but i will buy the Aerosoft Airbust and forget about this little nightmare.

At least from Aerosoft i know they arent over their heads and are actually keeping it simple!
Something that the programmers at Airsimmer dont know how to do.Making something too much complicated it's always possible... it's just a matter of time...and nothing else. Even me or you could make the same addon... maybe in 5 years... maybe in 10 years... and in the end it's all about the timeframe.

Airsimmer is gonna fall buy it's own lack of capacity to foresee the future.

Also, about Nik! Not a word in months and suddenly he shows up?...very fishy to me!

I suspect that this is not Nik but actually someone from Airsimmer stuff (maybe Zoya) talking... or maybe in the other hand... it's Nik and they've paid him a lot to come back. Either ways it all seems very strange to me.

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